Terms of Service

Terms of Service

You and your practitioner have an equal and vital role in the pursuit of your optimum health and well-being.

You have the right to expect your practitioner to provide…

  1. ethical conduct of practice
  2. respectful, honest and clear communication in all aspects of care
  3. relevant, safe and supportive patient-centred care
  4. accurate and comprehensive records
  5. an awareness of current health and well-being issues
  6. information about what your practitioner’s service offers
  7. timely and necessary communication and/or referral to other health professionals
  8. timely transfer of records, when appropriate
  9. compliance with your practitioner’s regulations, standards of practice, policies and guidelines
  10. privacy and confidentiality
  11. behaviour and clarity regarding dignified professional boundaries
  12. disclosure of real or perceived conflicts of interest
  13. a process for declining treatment and withdrawal of consent at any time
  14. full disclosure of policies, procedures and fees

Your responsibilities to your Source Chiropractic practitioner are to provide…

  1. honest, accurate and full disclosure of all pertinent health information
  2. constructive feedback (positive/negative) regarding all aspects of care
  3. a cooperative commitment to your treatment plan
  4. compliance with office policies, procedures and fees
  5. courtesy and respect for the office environment, staff and other patients
  6. up-to-date contact information

Termination of Services

In order to maintain a high standard of service and provide a safe work environment for its staff, practitioners, assistants, practice members and patients, Source Centre for Health & Wellness (“Source Chiropractic”) reserves the right to refuse or discontinue service. If you violate the Terms of Service by acting inappropriately, service may be denied to you. Additionally, any disruption of the normal provision of services, or behaviour that threatens the safety of Source Chiropracticstaff, practitioners, assistants, practice members and patients will result in denial of service.

Inappropriate behaviour includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Unreasonable demands for service
  • Threatening or erratic behaviour
  • Misrepresentation for the need for service
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Personally threatening and offensive language

A Source Chiropractic staff of practitioner can exercise the right to refuse service when confronted by a patient or practice member acting inappropriately or when facing an unsafe situation. The appropriate parties will be notified of the situation immediately.